
Easy, async agendas

Co-create and track discussion topics with teammates. Track progress over time. ✅
A set of card Takes from the culture platform Candor showcasing team feedback. It shows feedback messages between 2 teammates regarding guidance around meetings and communication approach.
Make it collaborative

Co-create 1-on-1 agendas that work both ways.

Thoughtful discussion topics

Use our library of thoughtful 1-on-1 prompts to build effective agendas.

Easy, continuous tracking

Get a historical view of topics and an automated push forward for incomplete items.

How 1-on-1s work

Pair with a teammate to create a 1-on-1 meeting agenda.
Step 1: Start a new 1-on-1 mission and select the teammate you’ll pair with, as well as your meeting cadence and time.
Add agenda items to Candor for check-ins, feedback, and more.
Step 2: Get a recurring reminder 2 days before your 1-on-1 meeting to review your shared agenda and make any updates in preparation.
Example agenda items on Candor's 1-on-1 meeting feature.
Step 3: Check off items you discuss together, and any items that aren’t covered will automatically be moved to your next agenda. No fuss!
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1-on-1s frequently asked questions

What topics should we cover in a 1-on-1 meeting?

At Candor, we believe 1-on-1 meetings should be reserved for unblocking team members, sharing live feedback and checking in on higher level progress. Typically async work check-ins are better for detailed progress reports.

If you aren’t sure how to approach specific topics in your 1-on-1, you can also utilize our library of prompts and easily add them to your agenda.

What happens if we don’t get to all the agenda items during our 1-on-1 meeting?

Once you’re done discussing an item from your agenda, you’ll check off the item to signal it has been discussed. If you don’t have a chance to discuss an item and don’t check it off the agenda, it’ll automagically be added to your next 1-on-1 agenda.

What should we do if there aren’t any agenda items added before we do our meeting?

We recommend cancelling the 1-on-1 meeting if there’s no outstanding talking points to be discussed. 1-on-1 meetings usually get a bad rep for being unproductive — which makes sense if you go into them unprepared! If you and/or your teammate don’t have anything added to the agenda, just cancel and get the time back.

Looking for more info?

Send us a message. We're here to help.
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1-on-1s glossary of key terms

Additional Resources

Guide to 1-on1s on Candor
The complete guide to using our 1-on-1s feature.
A Guide to Effective 1-on1s
Learn how to implement 1-on-1s effectively on your team, to ensure you stay in the loop with team members and build strong connections.

Connect better and never lose track

A screen from the culture platform Candor that shows a card wall of team feedback.A completed agenda item from 1-on-1s.Example one-on-one meeting agenda items about mood and work.A 1-on-1 agenda item about hiring.
know your work